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Lafayette Symposium @ All Saints’ Episcopal Church

November 9 @ 10:00 AM - 2:30 PM

Discover the remarkable story of the Marquis de Lafayette and his 1824 visit to Frederick, Maryland during this historical symposium in Downtown Frederick. Hear from Lafayette experts as they explore the life of the famous Frenchman and his deep connections to American history. A boxed lunch will be included for panelists and attendees.

This program is part of the 200th anniversary commemoration of Lafayette’s 1824-25 tour of the United States.

Speakers Include:

  • Alan R. Hoffman, President of the American Friends of Lafayette and the translator of Lafayette’s private secretary’s Journal of a Voyage to the United States.  Alan will open the symposium with his narrated slide presentation regarding the Farewell Tour on which his book, Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825, is based.
  • Dr. Cheryl Renee Gooch, Executive Director of the African American Resources Cultural and Heritage (AARCH) Society.  Dr. Gooch will discuss Lafayette as a staunch abolitionist in defense of a new country that continued to support enslavement.
  • Nancy Spannaus, a political journalist with expertise in Alexander Hamilton’s American System, will discuss the economics of the American Revolution and the American financial system.


Visit Frederick
November 9
10:00 AM - 2:30 PM
Event Category:


All Saints Episcopal Church
106 W. Church St.
Frederick, MD 21701
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