North Market Pop Shop

Stop in at the North Market Pop Shop for Soda, Scoops & Smiles

We offer a unique selection of over 400 varieties of glass bottle soda pop, cane-sugar sweetened and retro and  craft soda pop. They are available in singles, four-packs, six-packs, and even by the case (24). Feel free to mix and match any brand or variety that you choose!

Come and get the best ice cream in Frederick, super-premium, all natural Trickling Springs Creamery Ice and all your favorite toppings, it makes awesome scoops and award winning milkshakes. Make your favorite float or experiment with any combo of ice cream and soda.

The North Market Pop Shop has award winning hot dogs and sloppy joes with toppings galore! Need a quick bite in Downtown Frederick? Come and grab some goodies, we look forward to seeing you!


Accepts Downtown Frederick Gift Card

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